I have cancer. Those three words are life altering. From the moment of a cancer diagnosis, it becomes about getting through each day and the change emotion and commotion with a skill set that can help you in your relationships, your job and your self-confidence to manage the life changes cancer brings. Understanding the sequential and cyclical nature of the human change process can help everyone navigate through unknown territory in a conscious way, minimizing the fear, loss, resentment and anxiety that can accompany any cancer diagnosis. Current research shows that immediate and ongoing structured survivorship programs that incorporate the patient’s social network and support system significantly aid in healing.
Training the facilitator for cancer coping programs
Teaching breast cancer survivors & their caregivers effective coping & life skills
Facilitator Certification Program in Amarillo, Texas, $499
Nursing CEU's available via Amarillo College
To register for this event:
Sharon Felts, M.Ed. Change Cycle™ Master Trainer
Sharon.Felts@ttuhsc.edu · 806.414.9556
Who Should Attend?
Physician assistants, nurse navigators, hospice care providers & anyone interested or involved in survivorship care programs.
This certification will teach you how to set-up, facilitate and maintain an on-going Change Cycle™ learning program for your staff, patients and their caregivers.
The Change Cycle™ program materials are available to survivors and their caregivers in English and Spanish! Via this program, cancer survivors, caregivers and their social networks can:
- Learn structured and effective coping skills
- Learn a common language for their experience and ways to communicate in a timely way with family, friends and coworkers
- Identify situations that will require special care and begin the planning process.

- Learn to facilitate the program to educate survivors, family and their support network in the use of Change Cycle™ coping and life skills
- Differentiate between proactive and reactive change strategies brought on by diagnosis, treatment and survivorship issues relating to cancer
- Understand the predictable and unpredictable characteristics of the bio-psychosocial responses to change
- Identify the elements needed to implement an ongoing effective Change Cycle™ coping skills program
- Recognize the 6 stages of The Change Cycle™ and their affect at the mental, emotional and behavioral levels and how they relate to the breast cancer survivor’s life change experience
Comprehensive facilitator guide, sample program participant materials and customizable PowerPoint slide deck included.
“My husband and teenage son went with me to the class and it continues to help us understand what we are each experiencing about my cancer -- and it gave us ways to talk. I am so grateful!” ~ GR, survivor in Amarillo
“The Change Cycle™ class was encouraged by my doctor and though I was hesitant to go, it was the best and most useful time I have invested in my healing.” ~ LP, survivor
“I went to The Change Cycle™ program twice – once alone because I wasn’t sure what to expect, and then again bringing my Mother and best friend. It has helped me get back into my life and make smart and sensitive decisions about my future.” ~WBS, survivor