The Change Cycle™ Training Formats
Please see new e-Learning and virtual training options!
You will get fast results because The Change Cycle model is a proven communication tool in assisting all levels of management and employees with perspective and specific ‘how-to’ skills for coping with the realities of change.
The sciences of physiology, physics and applied psychology provide bodies of research that explain why and how we react and respond to change. This vast knowledge base provides relevant cognitive, emotional and behavioral applications. We deciphered and translated the often confusing scientific language into six easily understood, visual stages of how humans move through change – the big and small ones.
Our training formats are designed to build immediate rapport with the learner via full color participant guides that utilize humor, stories and case studies, while teaching skill sets that are practical and can be implemented quickly.
This format includes learning to manage yourself and learning to manage others and the situation.
Managers in today's workplace do double duty when it comes to change. They are expected to champion the changes that the organization is initiating and to lead their co-workers through often stormy or confusing times. Supervisors and frontline managers have the toughest job -- they are the most important link to the potential success of any change, because it is up to them to carry the ball for the ongoing communication after the initial announcement. Successful change requires effective and consistent communication.
First Things First provides processes and skills by utilizing The Change Cycle™ as the guide for recognizing inherent land mines in the change experience. This will equip management and change agents to know how to communicate well and use the right strategy at the right time.
Being able to identify where each person and work team is in The Change Cycle™ provides the manager with the information necessary to minimize change anxiety, lead effectively and efficiently and increase productivity!
Managers, Supervisors and/or Executives will learn skills to:
Implement specific management success strategies for each stage of The Change Cycle™
Identify their management communication style and how it relates to the management style needed in each stage of The Change Cycle™
Differentiate between proactive and reactive change situations and identify the best skills to use with individuals and groups
Gauge where in The Change Cycle™ others are concerning an organizational issue by utilizing data from The Locator Assessment Profile

Time Frames:
1/2 day provides overview perspective and some management skills
1 day provides some management insights and skills and case study applications
2 days provides management skills building , strategy development and applications
Participant Materials:
New eLearning and Virtual Training Options
- First Things First Management Resource Guide
- Laminated Easy Reference Job Aid
- The Locator™ Assessment Profile
- The Change Cycle™ 4-color model (9x6)
- The book, The Change Cycle™ How People Can Survive and Thrive in Organizational Change
Managers, Supervisors and/or EMPLOYEES will learn skills to:
The focus of Change @ Work is to teach participants to manage themselves. This is our most popular course because it blends the needs and perspectives of the individual with the objectives of the department or organization. It is often praised for its immediate effectiveness in assisting any employee to be more productive in a changing environment. The depth of knowledge available to the learner is significant.
Change @ Work is for people at any level who need skills to understand, accept and communicate about the underlying change dynamics – positive and negative -- that are likely adding to workplace frustration and impeding productivity. This training is the fastest track for people to regain motivation and productivity as they learn skills to manage themselves by taking responsibility for how they react and respond to change.
Time Frame:
Change @ Work is a 4 hour to a 1-day interactive program

Participant Materials:
New eLearning and Virtual Training Options
- Change @ Work Participant Guide
- Laminated Easy Reference Job Aid
- The Locator Assessment Profile
- The Change Cycle™ 4-color model (9x6)
Our Training the Trainer/Facilitator program is 2 days of intensive learning, lab experiences and skills building. With certification, each trainer/facilitator learns to understand and articulate the behavioral, emotional and cognitive basis for the human response to change and will be equipped to provide The Change Cycle™ information and skills in a variety of time lengths, formats and applications. You also learn how to administer and interpret The Locator™ Assessment Profile.
You asked for it! There have been many requests for a self-paced Change Cycle™ Certification. Though we prefer in-person training for various reasons, we acknowledge that travel is not always an option. So, with respect to your requests, change has come -- we are now offering a self-paced format for you to achieve Change Cycle Certification.
All certified Trainers (new and seasoned) are invited to participate in 30 - 45 minute coaching sessions with a Change Cycle™ Master Trainer via teleconferences and Skype. Sessions include tips, stories, strategies and Q&A to assist you in becoming more confident and skilled as a trainer/facilitator. One-on-one phone coaching is also available. All Free!
Course Objectives
Each Trainer will:
- Gain the knowledge, skills and tools to conduct The Change Cycle™ programs for both staff and management in a variety of time lengths and formats.
- Learn how to assist people in taking personal responsibility for how they react/respond in a changing environment.
- Learn how to use The Change Cycle™ as a tool for both personal, professional and organizational change.
- Discover language and motivation skills to increase productivity when change is creating lethargy and anxiety in the workplace.
- Learn how to administer and interpret The Locator™ Self-Assessment Profile.
With certification, each trainer/facilitator will be equipped to provide The Change Cycle™ information and skills in a variety of formats and applications including:
- 1 and 2 day formats for employees, supervisors, managers and executives
- 90 minutes to 1/2 day programs for employees, general audiences, executives and boards
- 1 on 1 interaction skills for employee development

Self-Paced & Public Training Programs
New eLearning and Virtual Training Options
We offer public trainings several times a year. Watch the website for dates or ask to be on our mailing list.
Tuition for each participant is $2200. USD.
Each registration includes the following materials:
- Comprehensive Facilitator's Guide
- Trainer eLearning program with 24 video library
- Complete set of training format materials
- PowerPoint presentations for each format (may be branded for your use)
- Access to password protected Trainer pages on our website
On Site Training the Trainer Program
We come to you! Training space and Master Trainer travel expenses to be provided by host organization.
- Cost for first five participants is $2200.USD each.
- Each additional participant is $1800 (a savings of $400 per person)
We will work with you to speak specifically to the needs and culture of your organization. This will assist your trainers in their perspective and ability to communicate, facilitate and train successfully.
Click Here to register.
These presentations are designed for high-impact learning in a short period of time. Our certified facilitators are entertaining speakers and will impress your audience with their ability to be clear and concise while imparting practical and useful knowledge.
Topics Include
- A Little Change Can Change a Lot
- Managing the Impact of Change
- Change Moves Me
- Change@Work
- Letting Go of Holding On